Why Y4i Foundation?

The mission of Y4i Foundation is to create a community of ambitious young people, who wish to improve Moldova’s future and to ensure its progress.
We aim to provide quality education and to ensure jobs that offer decent salaries, in Moldovan companies.
Our main goal is to improve the quality of life and the standard of living for the young generation.

The projects of the Y4i Foundation

Y4i Foundation is implementing a series of educational projects that aim to enrich the knowledge in different fields and subjects.

Y4i Foundation Team

The Y4i Foundation has a team of professionals, who have a common goal – to support the youth and to raise a strong and intelligent young generation.

Y4i Foundation development directions

We are developing this pillar, because we aim to raise the education level in the Republic of Moldova by implementing new teaching methods and by using European educational programmes.
In Moldova, it is not so easy to launch and maintain a business. Therefore, Y4i provides theoretical and practical support for young people who intend to launch their own business.
This pillar aims to bring a breath of fresh air to the society we live in. Innovations are the first step to a brand new world, a world full of confident people, who can change the future by thinking originally and outside the box.
Tindem să aducem un suflu nou în societatea în care trăim. Inovațiile sunt primul pas spre o lume nouă, plină de oameni încrezuți, care pot schimba viitorul prin gândirea netradițională și out the box.

Invest in your education today and build your tomorrow!

We help you make the first step towards a successful career, offering you the knowledge you need to outrun you opponents and become the best.

years of activity
brainstorming sessions

Fii alături de noi

Dimensiunea succesului tău este măsurata de puterea dorinței tale, de mărimea visului tău și de cum gestionezi dezamăgirile pe drumul către succes


Strada Columna 170, Chișinău, Moldova
Strada Columna 170, Chișinău, Moldova
Strada Columna 170, Chișinău, Moldova